
The Center for American Progress estimates that 51% of child care in California is at risk of being lost in the current crisis.

San Francisco Bay Area

In 2020, LIIF launched an emergency grant program focused on the Bay Area counties of Alameda, San Mateo, San Francisco and Santa Clara. The COVID-19 Child Care Project offset local providers’ devastating losses in the wake of the pandemic. Eligible providers received emergency funding to cover staff salaries, rent and other operating expenses that are usually covered by tuition.

LIIF launched the Contra Costa Child Care Relief Fund in April 2021 to provide grant funding to licensed family child care homes in Contra Costa County who are experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19.

Los Angeles

Already struggling to receive adequate funding and keep pace with demand before the crisis, Los Angeles’ child care programs have been struggling to continue services as operational costs surge and sources of funding decline. As of September 2020, only 32% of Los Angeles County’s Child Care Centers and 73% of Family Child Care Homes were currently open.

In response, the City of Los Angeles created The City of Los Angeles COVID-19 Child Care Provider Grant Program, a grant fund designed to provide relief to family child care programs and ECE centers at risk of closing due to the pandemic and recession. LIIF was selected as the administrator with funding coming from federal CARES Act stimulus dollars.

For questions about the program and grant eligibility, email


As you know family child care providers’ businesses run in our own homes. The lack of income will make us lose two things at once, our jobs and our homes… With your support, I’m sure the economy will have the vital foundation of child care available when the time to get back to business is right.

Want to participate in LIIF’s COVID-19 Child Care Relief Effort?

Your generosity will provide direct relief to those child care businesses left vulnerable by the pandemic. Please contact us to learn more about how to contribute to our regional relief efforts.

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